Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A bit more progress while on it's back.....

Tarp on harp....'Nuf said.
While on it's back, I started sanding the stain. The tarp will keep the strings and harp free of dust and chemicals.  It's a bit tougher to sand the sides while on it's back so I'm going to finish the other side after it's upright again.
I also took the opportunity of the piano being on it's back to fix some dings and gouges in the feet. Surprisingly, the piano didn't have too many areas that needed filling. I'm using Elmers Epoxy Sticks to fill the wood. Since I'm staining it dark, this epoxy will get even darker with the stain which is a lot better than having a light spot where the stain didn't take to the filler which would be more noticeable in the finish.

Here's the largest area needing filling. About a 1 x 2 inch area. This is a very common area of old pianos to be beat up. The lower rear corners of the cabinet. Here is before & after filling with epoxy.
When replacing castors on most old uprights, the socket holes are larger than the sockets available in modern castors so the new castors include wood sleeves to insert into the old socket holes. (thanks again to Steve's Piano Service) Here I'm taking the diameter down just a bit so the wood sleeves fit into the old socket holes.

Nice snug fit after tapping in with a rubber mallet. Now to fit the castors.
Since I opted for the double rubber wheeled castors, I needed to open up the clearance around the castors so they will swivel freely without hitting the wood recess. The drill mounted sanding drum worked well for this.
Castors done!  Ready to tip the piano back up.

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